AMIE was founded in 1998 by M Sudhir Kadambari.
His love and experience in natural fibers such as cashmere, wool and silk brought him to create the company AMIE, which was established to introduce and propose woven and knit fashion accessories like stoles, shawls, gloves, bonnets and also throws, blankets and sweaters in these noble materials, made by specialized craftsmen.
With manufacturing facilities in Nepal, AMIE provides its customers , who are mainly shops, central buying platforms and departmental stores, articles designed specifically for them based on trends and their specific needs.
AMIE has also set up a subcontracting network in Nepal, India and China with other workshops and factories to meet the specific demands of its customers in terms of different knowhows.
Since its establishment, AMIE has always endevoured to keep a customized and quality service by adapting to the needs of each its client and also by strictly abiding to their specifications in terms of their quality charts, and ensuring a strict compliance with the ethical codes throughout the concerned production lines.
25 Rue Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, 34170 Castelanu le lez. France Tel :00 33 4 67 92 65 04 Mail :
AM Import Export (AMIE), 25 Rue Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, 34170, Castelnau le lez, France.
Tel : 00 33 4 67 92 65 04